There wasn't enough members at the new branch of Raven BDC in East District of Yangon. So, they had to ask for help to the West District BDC to send volunteer donors that has B type blood at 9:30 AM on December 31st. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough donors at the West District club either (some were at work, some were still under due to donate again, etc.). At last, two donors were found and Raven BDC & donors went out to the Hospital and got to the South Okkalapa Women and Children Hospital by 2 PM. When we tested the blood pressure of the donors before the transfusion, one didn't have high enough blood pressure. Therefore, he wasn't able to donate. The other one and the member waited to test for contageous diseases at the blood bank for more than half-an-hour. After the test, Raven BDC treated the donor with lunch since the donor hadn't eaten anything. After the lunch, we got back to the hospital to find the test results. There, we started the transfusion process. At 3:30 PM, the transfusion was done so, the doctor treated the donors with drinks. The guardians of the patient also gave us cold drink bottles as presents. After that, Raven BDC members sent the donor home and got back to our domain by 4 PM in the evening. This is the report of the last donation done for the year 2007.
Well, Happy New Year Everyone!
May all human beings be able to live with enriched joy, health and wealth in the new year 2008.